Sole to Soul Tank Top

$ 34.95 USD

For Gabrielle, the most direct route to your core, to your essence, is through your feet, or, as she put it, “sole to soul”! That was the title of the last theater piece she created and directed, and thanks to the artistic brilliance of graphic designer Peter Mandl, a gorgeous logo was created to convey that message.

Thanks to the intelligence and taste of Peter Fodera and Nilaya Sabnis, we have created a t-shirt and tank top to present Gabrielle’s philosophy to a wider audience.

A portion of the proceeds from the sales of these shirts will be donated to 5RHYTHMS REACH OUT, the non-profit company Gabrielle founded to bring the healing power of rhythm to those in need.

The tanks are 65% polyester and 35% cotton and are machine or hand washable.

Size up for a looser fit.

Color: Black Only